Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Coco Perez is Now Stealing from Fashion by He...

POST FROM December 6, 2010: This video could have only been better if it was produced by Fashion by He. But regardless this video is AMAZING! Dead on balls accurate. Join the WAR ON UGGS by getting your UGG Vaccine today!

Still love this video! Since it is starting to be "Ugg Season" for you ugglies out there, figured it was a good time to repost! Who better to have it on their website first then Fashion by He? He posted this Video on December 6, 2010, it is now just going up on CocoPerez, kind of thought they were a big deal? Guess He was right after all, Fashion by He is the King of Fashion!

P.S. Thanks to TheCollegeCouture for the heads up

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